The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Reading the lessons of others is a great way to learn and grow. The books referenced by Protagion in My Journey and Our Stories are shown below:
Business Model Generation (Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur) in My Journey |
The Introvert Entrepreneur (Beth Buelow) in My Journey |
Grit (Angela Duckworth) in Inspiration: Angela Duckworth |
Sprint (Jake Knapp) in In Pursuit of Knowledge: Specialising vs Generalising as a Career Strategy |
Good to Great (Jim Collins) in Persuasion vs Manipulation and their role in encouraging change and Real-life example: consistency, silver bullets & the flywheel |
Built to Last (Jim Collins & Jerry Porras) in Persuasion vs Manipulation and their role in encouraging change |
The Little Book of Talent (Daniel Coyle) in Mentorship: the value of a personal Board of Advisors |
Principles (Ray Dalio) in Inspiration: Ray Dalio |
Blue Ocean Strategy (W Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne) in Real-life example: Agreeing with the Boss |
Blue Ocean Shift (W Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne) in Celebrating Our Humanness |
Expect to Win (Carla Harris) in Inspiration: Carla Harris |
Strategize to Win (Carla Harris) in Inspiration: Carla Harris |
Wiki Management (Rod Collins) in Leading in a Collaborative World |
Entrepreneurial You (Dorie Clark) in Portfolio Careers: Cultivating Multiple Income Streams |
The Innovator's Dilemma (Clayton Christensen) in Riding the Learning Curve & Disrupting Yourself |
Disrupt Yourself (Whitney Johnson) in Riding the Learning Curve & Disrupting Yourself |
Build An A Team (Whitney Johnson) in Riding the Learning Curve & Disrupting Yourself |
Build Your Reputation (Rob Brown) in Personal Branding - Your Reputation |
Lean In (Sheryl Sandberg) in Career Advice from a Reinsurance Executive |
What Got You Here Won't Get You There (Marshall Goldsmith) in Career Advice from a Reinsurance Executive and A Healthy Attitude to Feedback |
Start With Why (Simon Sinek) in Real-life example: consistency, silver bullets & the flywheel |
Leaders Eat Last (Simon Sinek) in Real-life example: consistency, silver bullets & the flywheel |
Turning the Flywheel (Jim Collins) in Real-life example: consistency, silver bullets & the flywheel |
The Leadership Gap (Lolly Daskal) in Real-life example: handing over the reins |
How Will You Measure Your Life? (Clayton Christensen) in Own who you are: Stanley Thapelo Gabriel's Personal Journey |
Quiet (Susan Cain) in Susan Cain's Career Transition |
The Compound Effect (Darren Hardy) in Darren Hardy, Success and the Compound Effect |
Autobiography of a Yogi (Paramahansa Yogananda) in Career Breaks: It's Not You, It's Me |
Daring Greatly (Brene Brown) in Dr Brene Brown: Courage, Vulnerability & Critics |
How to be a Power Connector (Judy Robinett) in Connection: Building Beneficial Business Relationships |
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie) in Connection: Building Beneficial Business Relationships |
The Leadership Pipeline (Ram Charan, Steve Drotter & Jim Noel) in 5 Necessary Skills for Managers of Functions |
High Output Management (Andy Grove) in 5 Necessary Skills for Managers of Functions |
The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace (Gary Chapman & Paul White) in Apology Languages: Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word |
When Sorry Isn't Enough (Gary Chapman & Jennifer Thomas) in Apology Languages: Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word |
Creative Trespassing (Tania Katan) in Success, Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome |
The Burnout Gamble (Hamza Khan) in Burnout: Flying Too Close to the Sun? |
The Optimist's Telescope (Bina Venkataraman) in Thinking Ahead: A Longer-Term Perspective |
8 To Be Great (Richard St John) in "8 To Be Great": Traits of Successful People |
The Airbnb Story (Leigh Gallagher) in Brian Chesky, Curiosity & Learning from 'Sources' |
This is Going to Hurt (Adam Kay) in Going to Hurt?! Adam Kay's Medical Career |
Time to Think (Nancy Kline) in How can leaders ignite the best thinking in others? |
Playing Big (Tara Mohr) in Tara Mohr: Playing Big, Leaping Boldly |
The Lean Startup (Eric Ries) in Tara Mohr: Playing Big, Leaping Boldly |
Influencer (Joseph Grenny et al) in Tara Mohr: Playing Big, Leaping Boldly |
The Alliance (Reid Hoffman et al) in Rotation: Corporate Perspectives, Tours of Duty, and the Role of Managers |
The Six Conversations of a Brilliant Manager (Alan J Sears) in Advice for New or Aspiring Managers |
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Patrick Lencioni) in Advice for New or Aspiring Managers |
Crucial Conversations (Kerry Patterson et al) in Advice for New or Aspiring Managers |
Why CEOs Fail (David Dotlich & Peter Cairo) in Derailers: Why Leaders Fail |
Crack the C-Suite Code (Cassandra Francos) in Paths to the C-Suite |
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